Sonntag, 2. August 2009


i was searching for new spoilers, when i discovered this:

I have no idea what this should be ...
Maybe for a movie....

Do you have an idea what this should be...??

4 Kommentare:

Vera hat gesagt…

The heads-thing is from the new Bandslam scenery that is not available yet...
The other things are quite weird, too... no idea what they are for...

Kathi86 hat gesagt…

irgendwas für ne scenery hab ich mir auch schon mal gedacht :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

omq :D:D
keine ahnung was des sein soll

talonofthehawk hat gesagt…

Wow, the head silhouettes looks interesting..
I know that most of it is for Bandslam,
But the gnome confuses me..